Police in the press
Homepage«Polis» Newspaper primarily covers the activities of Police Garrison of Baku, regularly provides data on crimes and persons detained on charges of committing crimes. At the same time, publishes laws and regulations, signed decrees related to the activities of law enforcement, police, issued at the level of the President of Azerbaijan, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Milli Mejlis, and if necessary to comment these documents refer to specialists. In addition, promptly highlights activities, undertaken work, orders, instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the MPD of Baku.
It should be noted that the «Polis» newspaper attaches great importance to study of the experience of police of UK, the U.S.A, France, Russia, etc. As an example we can show themes such as "History of Police", "Community police activities", "Experience in combat of traffic congestion", etc.
Due to living in the closed state for 70 years, we have remained beyond the processes occurring around the world. The experience of the period with closed police-citizen relations proves that, it has served to the detriment of public interests in all aspects.
Criminalistics with more than 100 years of history still cannot find the answer to this question – Is it necessary to be a participant in the event to prevent crime? But while seeking the answer to this question it seems that there are more questions to be responded.. Why do people commit crime? is also the unanswered question.
According to joint action plan of Baku City Main Police Department and Baku City Youth and Sports Head Department, on May 2, on the occasion of the 91st anniversary of Heydar Aliyev, the schoolchildren of the capital were familiarized with Shooting Range of Logistics Department of MIA and watched the firearms training of police officers from the “Makarov” pistol.
Each person has fundamental rights. They have been in “The Declaration of Human Rights”. The essence of the human rights concept is that, all the people have equal rights and are legally liable regardless of their race, gender, social origin. These rights are applied to all without the need for explanation.
In general, the person's life becomes meaningful, powerful, when in the first place, society is aware of the responsibility; secondly, lives in accordance with state laws; third, you need to decide and finally, try not to violate the rights of others not to commit unlawful acts. These factors are the basis for a long process of social stability, which is considered as an important achievement. Today in Azerbaijan in the full sense, the principle of "if there is a crime, there is a punishment." is carried out. Every human life, health, rights and freedoms and legitimate interests and property are securely protected from illegal actions.
Who trust the police? - People with a clear conscience, living according to the laws. Why police is respected? Because it serves to protect the law and human rights and security of society as a whole.
Everyone who wants to live in security, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, trusts the police and this trust is based on a respect and confidence. These principles are based on police-citizen relations. Worldwide police works in difficult conditions. Remotely all may seem very nice and peaceful.

Norms of life seems to change. Recently, we often learn from the press about the murders of mothers. Somewhere life is ended, but somewhere it is ended even not being started. Innocent children are being orphaned. Another similar incident occurred on September 18 in Surakhani district of the capital. The information spread about the body of an unknown woman of 25-30 years found in the water channel in Hovsan settlement. A woman was killed. Police is everywhere looking for somebody who know her. At the scene the operative group in the preliminary examination of the body found no injuries on the body and no signs of violence.

The growth of road accidents has become one of the problems last time. Despite the fact that in this area the complex measures are taken, the paths of complex solution of much more problems are searched. But it is impossible to eliminate the existing difficulties in the matter of full minimization of the number of accidents and deaths on the roads.

Comprehensive measures for road safety are in the process. In places of close living population, construction of new roads in the capital, road junctions, and the construction and commissioning of underground and overground pedestrian crossings aimed at safety of road users on the road. Past surveys and analyzes indicate that the accident in most cases depend on the level of discipline of movement.
Azerbaijani police is responsive to consider appeals of citizens, protection of rights and freedoms. Today citizen believes that the authorities stand guard over his rights and freedoms, security, health, property.
In our country, the fight against crime, protection of public order and public safety are the focus. But in recent years the tendency of prolonged decrease in number of serious crimes is observed. This positive trend continued also during the past period of the current year.