Main Police Department of Baku city

Information for citizens


Do not forget that the fight against crime and criminals is not only committed to the police, but also the whole society.

Unfortunately, in our society there are people who do not comply with the general rules of conduct, leading an unhealthy lifestyle, prone to breaking the law and turning crimes in their profession. The release of these people in our society, rehabilitation and return to normal life is the responsibility of each of us. If every citizen will stick uncompromising stance against crime, will assist law enforcement agencies in crime prevention, mitigation of the crime and the establishment of the offender, without endangering his/her life, then the amount of crimes will be reduced, and we will live in a safer society. Let us work together to fight crime.

But do not forget that your safety, as well as the safety of everyone is important and as a result of your indifference in future crime can be committed against you or your loved ones.

If you witness a crime, we recommend you to follow the following rules of conduct:
1. Inform the service "102" of MIA about preparing or committed crimes.
2. Help the victim in the crime without compromising your security.
3. Try to prevent others from approaching the scene and inform them about the possible damage they may be subjected, in the case of approach to the scene.
4. Learn the rules of first aid and, if necessary, apply them.
5. Call at the scene emergency medical service and other assistance.
6. Help police in establishing special signs of the criminal, registration number of vehicle, direction of car.
7. If it's possible take a picture or video of commission of an offence.
8. Help police to find witnesses of the crime.

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