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Responsible Movement on Automobile Roads Must Be a Life-Goal


Each traffic participant bears responsibility for secure provision of traffic safety on the automobile roads of the capital city. This responsibility is such a sensible point that all of us are responsible for protection of public safety. If a person – driver or pedestrian becomes the road traffic user, then a liability arises on the rights and duties.

In Baku developing into a great Megapolis, where 674 thousand motor vehicles are used, 655 road intersections, 70 pedestrian crossings, 319 roads supplied with traffic lights, 83 intersections of railway with automobile road, 69 tunnels and bridges are exist,  people should carefully approach to their rights and duties. The basic law demands that the rights and freedoms also cover the responsibilities and obligations of everyone before the others. That is, misuse of rights is not allowed. In this case, the analysis for accidents of the road system at a distance of 2244 km of the capital city for the last five years shows that the main cause of the traffic accidents is negligence regardless of its severity rate.

If, mostly because of negligence, 646 road traffic accidents have been recorded in Baku city within 2017, which resulted with death of 207 people, then it does not only concerns the state and the traffic police, it also causes a tragedy to the family of which the accident victim is a member, and distresses the society. In other words, if 552 people get bodily injuries of various degrees at the accident, they bear the traces of the accident experienced or caused by them for a lifelong.

The systematic and preventive prophylactic measures undertaken by the state from 2013 on the traffic accidents causing deaths show that the protection of the safety of traffic participants. If we compare the statistics of deaths and injured in last 5 years, we would observe decline in their number.

Comparable figures – 342 people died, 1000 were injured because of 1011 road traffic accidents in 2013. That is, compared to five years ego the number of accidents, deaths and facts of injuries has decreased. The length of the roads, on which 520 thousand state registered cars were moving, was 2100 km, and was covered with 640 intersections, 60 underground and overground pedestrian crossings, 282 automobile roads supplied with traffic lights, 62 intersections of railway with automobile road, 67 tunnels and bridges, five years ago in Baku city. 

The conclusion of generalizations carried out in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, traffic police, as well as the decisions and orders ended up with judicial practice prove that the main fault of traffic participants is negligence, which should be approached carefully by either driver or pedestrian. 

State Traffic Police Department of Baku city MPD
Division of Promoting Road Traffic Safety and
Communication with Public Authorities